Friday, May 29, 2009


was supposed to upload this last night but i had no inet so, here...

I wanted to write this entry before I go to sleep. It’s 2320 so this will not take long. I just finished reading chapter 4 of freakonomics-and it is a rather sensitive chapter. It talked about the possible link between legalized abortion and the decrease in crime rates. I am very much pro-life and anti-choice mind you but it is hard to dispute the author’s (Levitt’s) point when he has data to back it up. He’s not pro-abortion himself. To be fair and objective, my economic side actually believes his claim. Again, I am anti-abortion; all I’m saying is it makes sense. The decrease in cases of homicide was caused by potential trouble kids being aborted. In their supposed teen years were they are prone to commit crimes, crimes went down because they were not in existence. It’s sort of like a trade-off thing; trade abortion with homicide. However, crimes should have actually gone up because if you think about it, abortion in itself is a crime. It’s practically murder. So I mean, legalized abortion would be a counterproductive solution to homicide. You replace homicide with another crime, murder… err abortion.

I thought this sensitive issue was interesting. But if you ask me, I do not want to seem close-minded or ideological here but the problem is decision-making. If we are all responsible and accountable for our actions; we should not be aborting babies to begin with…


The word ideological made me remember criss angel being called an ideological bigot by this paranormal guy who claims to be capable of being possessed and talk to dead people… hahaha! Criss was justified for what he did… you’re fooling people! And criss never fooled anyone in his mindfreak show. He always said he’s a performer and an illusionist! DUH! You claimed to have the power to be possessed… how can you call him a bigot when he never made claims that you made…

With regards wise decision making, I also remembered the much talked about scandals by now… I think… well, the entire thing is messed up but the issue is not something I would like to comment on… at least, in my blog… hahaha!



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