After having two lectures with Dr. Villegas, I have been rather curious about a lot of stuff in society and individuals-in general. During our class he mentioned that girls are naturally born entrepreneurs because the housewives are the ones who look for ways to stretch the budget. In short, the wife tries to maximize the use of whatever the husband brings home to the table. Thus, we have Red Ribbon and quite a number of stores built by women to supplement their husbands' income.
Now, Dr. Villegas said that guys have this tendency to care about the title even if what actually happens is actually quite contradictory. The husband of Red Ribbon's founder quit his job and became company president. However, isn't it true that the wife does the operating function? But who the hell cares when your calling card says CEO, right? I say this because I have realized that it could be true. I remember my grandfather (who was a brave colonel in his lifetime) would do the laundry and ask my grandmother to hang them outside so the neighbors won't think he is "Under the Saya". Even though he kinda is cause he does that every time the maid is gone. HAHA! I guess what we could learn from here is girls are to be taken care of. They are just too delicate to be treated badly. I bet I'll be one heck of an "Under the Saya" too. I can't even stand a girl crying. Can't be stern. I'll give in because of a simple frown. Ok, I should stop talking about this.
The other side of the story here is in the setting of the Corporate World. I mean, people tend to have such dignified titles but at the end of the day, their functions are pretty much basic (for lack of a better term). I mean, people would love being called specialists or managers or even SVPs, etc. but honestly, I would rather be just a shareholder since they are the ones who rake in the cash anyway. Interesting huh? I mean just look at the winners of the apprentice. How can you hire such young people to executive positions? How could Ivanka who is only 25 be an SVP (well, she is an heiress) but still! I'm quite certain the title SVP today is not as demanding as the SVP back then. But hey! It's good for the workers' esteem. They're happy. They give good results, shareholders are happy so what the heck? Let us all be happy. =)
Aww I didn't know you had a soft spot for girls :)
Anyway, a title is just a title, it's a way people make themselves feel special, some superiority complex people have.
yeah, i suppose... and yeah i do have a soft spot for, you know, girls... hehe =)
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