This week has been quite interesting for me and a lot of people from Citi. Well, I seem to be improving at work, I think... People are getting stressed because of all the ad hoc tasks we are being given aside from our main job of making sure payments are made to suppliers.
It was the middle of this week that I did foreign currency processing. I had a better grasp of what to do but I am still not used to it. It is not an easy task to order foreign currency so you could pay the supplier in their desired currency. I got two more next week and I gotta be honest, I'm not so happy about it... I was also assigned to validate the TANDE invoices, and Aging reports aside from my GIRO report and it is taking a good amount of my time-time that should be focused on processing. Hopefully, I could pass back the TANDE to my co-worker who is on mandatory leave when she is back.
Enough about work. (as in work) I attended my first company christmas party and it was pretty interesting. I got to see a couple of people I don't really know and I was able to chat with a couple of them, which is pretty cool. Kinda reminds me of the days of parties in college I attend wherein I barely know anyone and end up chatting and laughing out loud with people. Oh, I danced by the way. I was so nervous I had to do my regimen for releasing pressure and stress. (I'd rather not post it here cause my dad knows about this blog... haha) It was pretty cool. It made me kinda stressed looking for a hoodie to wear cause I don't have one and am not planning on wearing one on a regular day. My sis accompanied me to sm dept store Thursday night to look for the cheapest one I could buy. We got one for like 500 or something but my older sis said the brand looks terrible. Good thing my sister's bf lent me one so all is well that ends well. Thanks dude! It was quite nice that people said our presentation was great and some girl said, "Hey! You were the dancer right? I'm from West but I was cheering for you guys." Gave me a big smile so I courteously said, "Thank you. Enjoy the rest of the night. She was going back to the office at 10pm on a Friday to work. Geee... We really are workaholics. Oh! And my boss told me I work too hard. I took it as a compliment. It was nice hearing it. Feels even better than getting my paycheck. :)
Oh! And the most important thing about this week was what transpired this morning. My dad gave me an opened envelope that was sent by UA&P. I was quite surprised when I read it...
"I'm being invited to take my Master's degree in Applied Business Economics by Dr. Terosa. I did not expect this because he told our group we were not good researchers back in 4th year. Of course Jared is in the 5th year on his way to MA in Industrial Economics. But yeah it was quite flattering to be invited five months after your graduation by Doc T! I don't think I can accept it til next year or in 2011 though. I do not want my parents to shoulder the expenses so I want to pay for my tuition on my own. Secondly, I gotta make sure I am in the position wherein I could avoid having to render OT on class days because Doc T is quite strict with attendance but you can't really leave your obligations at work behind..."
I do want take my Master's some day so I gotta save up. :)
My mom and grandma are back from Aklan... Crabs and suman galore! ;p
Nice to hear your experience from your 1st company christmas party! Why is it too early? We're gonna celebrate ours on the 11th. And my officemates are badly asking me to either sing or dance! Hahaha :-)
yeah and we paid for it ourselves cause the fed's keeping tabs in our expenses.. i think it has something to do with the fact a lot of us have to work even on christmas day (BPO). yeah, i think they force the new hires to sing and dance.. that's how they got me to dance.. haha
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